Short Bio
Hi! I am Nahid from Bangladesh. Currently, I doing Ph.D. at the Purdue - School of Aeronautics and Astronautics under the supervison of Dr. Shaoshuai Mou . My present research interest is developing Safe Reinforcement Learning algorithms for autonomous systems. Previously, I have worked as a Research Engineer at the Systems, Cognition, and Control Laboratory (SCC Lab), Oklahoma State University (OSU). I received my M.S. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Oklahoma State University, advised by Dr. Rushikesh Kamalapurkar; and my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at the Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh. My previous research was focused on developing novel control architectures for synthesizing safe controllers based on online model-based learning policies with a specific focus on deploying them in autonomous systems.
My Research interests
- Control theory
- Robotics
- Machine Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Optimization
Work Experience
- Ross Fellow, AIMS Lab, Purdue University [Aug 2022 - Current]
- Research Engineer, SCC Lab, OSU [Aug 2021 - April 2022]
- Graduate Research Assistant, SCC Lab, OSU [May 2019 - May 2021]
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, MAE Department, OSU [Jan 2019 - Aug 2020]
- Adjunct Lecturer, ME department, Sonargaon University [Sep 2017 - Dec 2018]
- Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, Purdue University [August 2022 - Current]
- M.Sc., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma State University [January 2019 - May 2021]
- B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Islamic University of Technology [December 2011 - January 2016]
- 08/15/2022 New Journey start at Purdue University as a Ph.D. Student.
- 04/15/2022 Received "ROSS Fellowship" and "Engineering College Scholarship" from the PURDUE UNIVERSITY.
- 04/04/2022 New Preprint "Safe Controller for Output Feedback Linear Systems using Model-Based Reinforcement Learning". [[PDF]].
- 04/01/2022 Automatica Paper is now online. [[PDF]].
- 12/16/2021 Frontiers Paper is now online. [[PDF]].
- 12/05/2021 A paper entitled “Model-based inverse reinforcement learning for deterministic systems" got accepted in Automatica.
- 10/03/2021 New Preprint "Safety aware model-based reinforcement learning for optimal control of a class of output-feedback nonlinear systems". [[PDF]].
- 9/27/2021 A paper entitled "Safe Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Systems with Parametric Uncertainties" got accepted in Frontiers in Robotics and AI. [[Link]]
- 8/5/2021 Joined SCC Lab as a research engineer.
- 5/26/2021 Presented a paper in IEEE ACC 2021.
- 5/20/2021 Received " Student Registration Grant for the 2021 ACC".
- 5/7/2021 Received Masters Degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
- 4/12/2021 Successfully defended Masters Thesis.
- 2/27/2021 Received "Bangladesh - Sweden Trust Fund" Travel grant.